Original Medicare or Advantage...
We Work With Multiple Companies...

We Have the Knowledge and Tools
To Help You Make The Right Choices for Medicare Supplement, Medigap, and Medicare Advantage Plans

Medicare Advantage Plans

What We Offer...

Medicare Supplements and Medigap Plans – Original Medicare Part A covers inpatient care in the hospital, in addition to stays in a skilled nursing facility or nursing home, as well as hospice and home health care. Part B covers medically necessary services like ambulance and durable medical equipment, as well as health care to prevent illness or detect it early when it’s easier to treat.

We offer Medicare Supplements and Medigap Plans that cover the 20% that Medicare doesn’t cover.

Medicare Advantage, Part C – This is Medicare working in conjunction with private insurance providers to serve you with the level of care you might have become familiar with through your job, with access to Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), as well as “Fee-for-Service,” Special Needs plans, and additional benefits.

Prescription Drug Plans, Part D – All Medicare Participants are required to have a prescription drug plan. Let us help find the right plan for you!

Get Help Navigating the Medicare Maze!

Join us for a Medicare Seminar, the 3rd Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m.

Ask Ali!

Maybe you have some basic questions about basic Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Supplement Plans, Medicare Open Enrollment or Medigap before you even get started with the process of sorting through all the options. When should you start the application process? How does Medicaid work alongside Medicare? Do I qualify for extra assistance with my prescriptions? There are lots of scam artists out there…how do I avoid them? For the answers to these questions and more, just “Ask Ali!”

Companies We Represent...

We work with a variety of companies to give you the right options for your specific life situation:

United Healthcare



BlueCross Blue Shield of Tennessee

BlueCross Blue Shield of Florida

Mutual of Omaha


Silver Script

We are licensed in Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Arizona, and Texas.

Nurse with older couple

My Goal...

When it comes time to sign up for Medicare Supplement coverage…whether it’s your first time or you’re trying to improve last year’s coverage…there is a lot of information to work through. I want to make sure you know all the options and get the right coverage for your situation so you can have peace of mind and enjoy life to the full!

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